Electric Charge

We all know the familiar types of charges....MC, Visa, Discover. I experienced a new type of charge....the kind for artists. It's called an "electric" charge.

Snoopy Dance includes:
Trip to Dallas: 240.63 miles
Travel Time Estimate: 3 hours, 59 minutes
Cost of Fuel: $47.00
Cost of Tim Holtz's classes $285.00
Lucky Participants Per Class: 75
Receiving the #10 ticket to register:

A special thank you to Monica, Donna, and Melody. The crowd was impatient, unruly, and unappreciative and yet you all remained professional, patient, and kind. Your customers can easily forget your time and effort that is involved in preparing for instructors to teach classes. Thank you for giving Tim Holtz a destination to teach classes. There are so many artists who do not have a store close where they can have the privilege of taking a class from Tim. And your store along with your amazing staff is worth all of my effort.

Stamp Asylum ROCKS!

Here are the photos of the classes that I will be taking.....I can hardly wait!

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